Company Philosophy
Kids in Communities is Run by Families for Families
Our team at Kids in Communities has more than 20 years of experience in helping schools, sports teams, cheer groups, bands, Cub Scout Packs, and other groups in New York, Connecticut, and New Jersey to reach their goals and budgets.
Events & Activities
All our employees have first-hand experience volunteering in their own kid’s schools from daycare through high school and all the events and activities along the way.
The Kids in Communities team shares the philosophy and passion of helping to provide schools and organizations with the much-needed funds to help support our kids’ experience and strengthen their future.
Our Programs
As the premier fundraising distributor in Connecticut, New York, and New Jersey for Otis Spunkmeyer, Auntie Anne's Pretzels, and Cinnabon, Kids in Communities will develop a program perfect for your group.